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Accepted in blue cart - Recyclable
- All aluminum and steel cans
- Aluminum foil
- All colore of glass bottles and jars
- Clear, colored and white plastic containers
- Newspapers
- Junk Mail
- White ledger paper
- Corrugated cardboard
- Magazines
- Colored and construction paper
- Cereal boxes (with liners removed)
- Telephone books
- Plastic bags
- Plastic milk containers
- All plastrics labeled 1 through 6
- This is an update. Previously only 1-2 were accepted. Now 1-6 may be placed in the recycling bin.
Accepted in green cart - green waste
- Grass clippings
- Leaves
- Brush
- Shrubbery prunings
- Small brances
- Sawdust
- Tree trimmings
- Tree Limbs 4 inches or smaller in diameter
- (note that plastic and paper bags are not accepted - do not bag items in the bin)
Not Recyclable - not accepted in blue or green carts - place in black trash cart
- Scrap metal
- Window or safety glass
- Mirrors
- Light bulbs
- Wax paper
- Ceramics
- Clothing
- Drinking glasses
- Plastic Wrap
- Food waste
- Disposable diapers
- Palm tree pruning
- Palm fronds
- Cactus
- Dirt and rocks
- Animal Waste
- Other items
- Disposal of hazardous waste and e-waste is not permitted in the black bins.
For information on disposal of houeshold hazardous waste, such as paint, paint thiner, antifreeze, household cleaners, pool chemicals, innsecticides, batteries, motor oil, fluorescent lights, etc, and for disposal of e-waste such as computers, printers, televisions, VCR's, cell-phones, fax machines, stereos, electronic games, alarm clocks, etc, visit
The following information / FAQ is from several notices that were sent
to Ladera Residents regarding the new Automated Trash Collection
scheduled to take effect on September 1, 2006.
- Why do we need to change from our current service to the
automated, threecontainer collection method?
Public Works made changes in some of the service features under a new
contract to enhance the quality of your trash collection service. The
automated system contributes to a more attractive neighborhood by
providing uniform containers and minimizing loose trash on the
streets. The automated method also yields a higher recycling rate
thereby preserving our landfill capacities in compliance with the
State recycling mandates.
- I am an elderly person and cannot transport the large
containers. Can I get two smaller containers instead of one big one?
Yes, you may receive smaller containers in lieu of large ones, as well
as receive two small containers in lieu of one large one so long as
the combined capacity of the small containers does not exceed that of
the large one.
- Can I place plastic bags or use plastic liners in the automated containers?
- Recyclables: You may place loose recyclables, as well as recylables bound in plastic bags, into the recyclable (blue) container.
- Green Waste: It is preferable that you do not place plastic bags in the green waste container, since the absence of plastic bags will make processing the green waste more efficient. However, if this is not feasible and you need to dispose of multiple plastic bags full of green waste, you may set them out at the curb and they will be collected.
- Refuse: You may place loose refuse, as well as refuse bound in plastic bags, into the refuse (black) container.
- Will there be three different trucks picking up at different times?
There will be three separate trips, whether by the same or different
truck, to collect refuse, recyclables, and green waste since each of
these materials has different destinations.
- Can we just add a recycling bin, and continue to have our refuse
and green waste collected by the current manual system? Can we
continue to use our own trash cans?
To prevent contamination of recyclables and maximize the recovery of
green waste, we ask that you utilize the three containers that will be
provided to you. These containers are specifically designed to be
properly grasped by the mechanical arm of the automated trucks.
- Where should we place our containers?
Set containers at the curb before 7AM on the day of collection. They should be placed with the wheels against the curb with the lid closed. Please remove the containers and place them out of view once they have been emptied. We want to maintain the beauty of Ladera Heights and we can only do that with everyone's cooperation.
- How far apart from each other do i have to set the containers?
If feasible, we request that you set the containers approximately
2.5 feet apart from each other and 2.5 feet away from obstructions.
- What if we can't place our containers against the curb due to
parked vehicles? What about sueet sweepmg?
We ask that you place the containers on the street against the
curb to the best extent feasible. If there are parked vehicles that
prevent you from doing so, place the containers in the area on top of
the curb.
- What if I see someone going through my trash bin (or a neighbors trash bin)?
Scavenging from separated recyclables is illegal (LAC Code 20.72.196) and could be an attempt to obtain confidential information used for identity theft. Please contact the Marina Sheriff's station at 310-482-6000 to report such activity.
Some of our driveways are on busy streets. I don't feel comfortable backing out
in my car if the containers are in the street.
Although we ask that you place the containers on the street
against the curb to provide for an efficient and timely automated
collection, you may place the containers in the area on top of the
- I have a multi-dwelling complex. How many containers will I be getting?
For every unit, you are entitled to receive one set of 3 containers.
For example, a property with four units is entitled to receive four
sets of containers. Dumpsters are also available in lieu of multiple
set of containers upon request.
- What if my containers are stolen or damaged?
Stolen or damaged containers will be replaced free of chage. Please contact Consolidated Disposal Service at 1 (800) 299-4898, Monday through fFriday from 7AM to 5:30 PM.
- How can I get additional containers?
Per the presentation by Consolidated, additional containers are available for a $58 one time charge. Please contact Consolidated Disposal Service at 1 (800) 299-4898, Monday through fFriday from 7AM to 5:30 PM.
- Can residents be reimbursed for their own trash cans that they've recently
Residents will receive brand new containers as part of the new
service. There will be no reimbursements for personal trash cans.
- What is green waste?
Recyclable green waste includes grass, leaves, plants, weeds, yard
trimmings, wood chips, and tree limbs. Please do not deposit palm
fronds in the green waste container since it cannot be recycled.
- What if my green waste doesn't all fit into one container?
We ask that you, to the best extent feasible, fit the appropriate
material into their designated containers. However, if you cannot you
may contact Consolidated Disposal Service to make any special
arrangements that meet your specific needs.
- Do Christmas trees get recycled?
Yes, you may set your Christmas tree out at the curb and Consolidated Disposal
Service will collect it to be recycled.
- Why weren't the residents consulted prior to these changes in the service?
The County is required to implement automated trash collection service
in the unincorporated areas to comply with the State's waste reduction
mandates. Public Works has been incorporating this service feature and
other enhancements as part of our ongoing efforts to continually
improve services as contracts are renewed. We have done this in six
other garbage disposal districts and all affected communities have
been very satisfied with the enhanced services. Our goal is to provide
the best possible service to you and, as such, we are very happy to
work with the community to ensure a successful implementation in the
Mesa Heights District.
- What is the waste diversion rate in our community? Is this data
accurate with the high number of scavengers in the area?
The average diversion rate (percentage of recyclables plus green
waste) over the last year was approximately 39 percent in this
District. This figure does not include recyclables extracted by
scavenging. The automated system will enhance the recycling rate by
increasing the recovery of green waste and generate higher quality
recyclables as a result of lower contamination.
Additional Information:
- The container dimensions are:
- 95-gallon = 28 x 32 x 46 inches (Green for Yard Waste and Black for Trash)
- 65-gallon = 26 x 27 x 42 inches (Blue for Recyclables)
- 35-gallon = 23 x 22 x 38 inches (Smaller substitute bins available on request)
- Please remember to close the lid to the containers prior to transporting them.
- Bulky items that do not fit in the container, such as couches and
mattresses, will be collected in unlimited quantities, at no charge,
by calling Consolidated Disposal Services at the number below.
Electronic waste, such as televisions and computers, will also be collected in
unlimited quantities, at no charge, by calling Consolidated Disposal Services at the
number below.
(Note: This does not seem to be accurate. When called, they told us to wait until there was an a future electronic waste collection event in our area.)
- Do not dispose any hazardous material such as pool chemicals, insecticides,
paints, batteries, and oil into any of the containers. Public Works conducts
Household Hazardous Waste collection events where you may bring these
materials for proper processing, free of charge. To find out more about these
collection events please call 1-888-253-2652 or visit
Contact information:
To request pick-up of bulky items and electronic waste; or for other
service-related matters you may call: Consolidated Disposal Service
To inquire about the number of TRASH containers you are entitled to,
or other service features you may contact: County of Los Angeles
Department of Public Works hotline 1-800-404-4487
For information regarding household hazardous waste collection events,
and various recycling programs including free composting workshops
please contact: County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works
Halloween in Ladera Heights