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This plan spreads by seed that form in puffballs and has prikly hairs
on a spiny sptem. This plant has green or green and red leaves and
will get a yellow flower. Whenpolinated the flower turns into a
"puffball" seedhead and the seeds are scattered by the wind. Be sure
to remove these before they go to seed, otherwise this plant will be
hard to control. The seeds will carry far in the wind, so you are
likely to aquire new plants from seeds blown in from surrounding
These plants have strong and deep roots and weak stems which break
easily, meaing that for an established plant it is unlikely you will
be able to pull it by hand without it growing back from the root that
remains. For those that look established I have been spraying the
leaves with Roundup. For those that look less established, I have
been pulling by hand.
Halloween in Ladera Heights